If you have an older home with original windows, chances are they are single pane windows. You can tell simply by looking at the glass. When there is just one pane of glass, you can see that with your naked eye. That one layer of glass offers wind protection, but it is a very poor insulator for your home. Replacement windows in St Charles, MO are a great idea for energy efficiency and many other reasons. Here are a few things to know about double pane windows.
What Are Double Pane Windows?
Like single pane windows, double pane windows indicate that they include two panes of glass instead of one. The glass is separated by a space of air or glass that slows the transfer of hot or cold air into or out of the house. Insulating gas is more energy efficient because it is denser than air, but even air between the panes is better than just one pane of glass. Double pane windows cost more than single pane, but they will have a much larger impact on energy bills. Double pane windows are also standard today so you can’t even find replacement windows with single pane glass any longer.
Double Pane Window Benefits
The benefits of having double pane windows on your home are huge. They can reduce your energy use in the Missouri winters by up to 24 percent and they can help in the summer up to 18 percent. That savings makes a huge difference on your monthly budget and it can also make your home feel much more temperature-controlled and comfortable every season of the year.
Double pane windows also help to shield your home from noise that is occurring outside. That extra layer of glass insulates the house and the gas between the panes helps as well. The noise you hear inside your home that might be happening outside will go way down and that helps you enjoy peace and quiet when you want it.
These windows increase the value of your home quite a bit as well. Anyone who is looking to buy a home will not want single pane windows because they leak air like crazy. Double pane windows, on the other hand, are great replacement windows that will raise the value on your home so you can pay yourself back for the investment.
If you would like more information on double pane windows, or any other type of St Charles, MO replacement windows, contact the experts at Masonry & Glass Systems Inc by calling (314) 535-6515. We’re here to insulate your home to its fullest ability so you can have comfort, peace and quiet, and lower energy bills. Stop by our showroom and take a look at what we have to offer at 1503 S Kingshighway Blvd St Louis, MO 63110.