If you’ve never had skylights before, you might admire them when you go over to a friend’s house. They bring a lot of benefits along with them. They let in natural light and they keep your privacy intact. When you are getting replacement windows in St. Louis, MO, it’s a good time to make changes to your window arrangements. While you might get a new style, a new color, or certain upgrades you didn’t have before. You can also add windows…including skylights. Is that the right move for you? Here are a few reasons why you might want to go that direction.
Get More Natural Light
You can get new window configurations that will allow more light into your home, but there are going to be limitations. There are only so many windows you can add. And sometimes you want a certain level of privacy in your home as well and adding new windows takes things the other direction instead. IF you want more natural light, you can get it by adding a skylight above. It’s a good addition to a kitchen, for example, where you might not have space on the walls around cabinets for new windows. It also works well in the bathroom where you might need extra privacy, but still want light.
Maintain And Heighten Efficiency
Part of why you get replacement windows in the first place is to heighten the energy efficiency in your house. To do that, you want windows that seal up the home tight. You might think that adding a skylight would take your efficiency down, but that’s not the case. When you get skylights, you can enjoy extra warmth from the sun, which will reduce your need for heat. You also have more natural light, so you don’t have to turn on overhead lights and use more energy there, either.
Improved Value
Even standard replacement windows will help to improve the value of your home, but you can raise it even further when you get skylights installed along with the new windows. They will add a unique aesthetic to your house that it didn’t have before and allow you to bring in higher offers if you decide to sell in the future. They’re an extra cost, but they’re worth it in the extra money they bring in later.
If you are considering skylights as part of your replacement windows in St. Louis, MO, the professionals at Masonry & Glass Systems Inc. can help you get into the details. There are stationary skylights and even options that will open to help you ventilate a certain room. Give us a call at (314) 535-6515 and we’ll help you with every detail from start to finish. You can also visit our showroom to see examples of the windows we carry. We’re located at 1503 S Kingshighway Blvd St Louis, MO 63110 and we can show you around, talk about efficiency, go over upgrades and options, and help with the details and information you need.