If you are looking for replacement bay windows in St. Louis, you can experience Top-Of-The-Line Design, Craftsmanship and Performance with Restorations Bay Windows from Sunrise installed by Masonry & Glass Systems. Restorations Bays, Bows and Garden Windows are loaded with features many of which other manufacturers charge extra or do not include such as;
1. The window is encased in full 1 1/4 inch thick furniture-grade laminated hardwood seat, head and side jambs.
2. The super insulated R-9 seat features high density foam to ward off condensation and energy loss.
3. Each Mullion and the window frame are also fully insulated with Comfort Foam.
4. The mulls in the window are steel reinforced and counter sunk into the seat.
5. The mulls extend to the bottom edge of the window which eliminates any butt joints that could leak.
6. Every Restorations is available with your choice of Oak or Maple hardwood casing.
7. The seat come standard in Birch, other options include Oak, a variety of laminates and Corian.
8. Factory supplied roof systems ensure a perfect fit.
Replacement Bay Windows

Bay Window in Yard ready for Installation

The exterior view, at Masonry & Glass Systems we strive to make sure all of our install look like the windows were installed when the house was built, We clearly accomplished that with this installation.
When you combine all of these features with Masonry & Glass Systems award winning Angie’s List Super Service Installers you have REAL value for your new bay window.
If you or someone you know is looking for replacement bay windows in St. Louis, please contact Masonry & Glass Systems in St. Louis. We specialize in replacement windows, sliding windows, casement windows, garden windows, bay windows, storm windows and historic windows. For more information, please email us at: [email protected] or call 314-535-6515