Many of us with windows 10 to 15 years old or older begin to ask that question. Here are a few tips on recognizing when it is time to seriously consider replacement windows.
1. If your home was built before 1978 and your windows are peeling paint a new paint job will be more expensive than probably what you anticipate because of the new EPA lead paint laws. You spend serious money on new paint and still have the same inefficient windows. In most case you would be better off putting the paint money towards new windows.
2. If you are feeling air flow through your windows on a windy or even still day then your windows are not sealing out the Restorations as they should. You can put up temporary barriers to try to keep the air out. In the end you are ready for new windows.
3. Windows are a large part in how a house looks from both the outside and the inside. If you feel your windows detract instead of add to your homes appeal then it is time to consider new windows. New windows can make a terrific change in how your home looks.




4. If your windows do not operate as they should, you cannot easily open and close them, maintenance has not helped then it may be time for replacement.
5. If you notice your utility bills are getting higher and higher and you know that your furnace is in good shape, your insulation in the ceiling is at least R-30, your doors are tight then it is time to consider new windows.
If you or someone you know is looking for new St. Louis Double Hung Windows, please contact Masonry & Glass Systems in St. Louis. We specialize in replacement windows, sliding windows, casement windows, garden windows, bay windows, storm windows and historic windows. For more information, please email us at: [email protected] or call 314-535-6515
When Should I Replace My Old Windows?
Stocking Dealer for Restorations Windows
Masonry & Glass Systems offers the best double hung window installation in St. Louis.
The best windows, at the best prices, with the best window company.
Call us Mon-Fri at 314-535-6515
click the link below to receive a free quote for your new replacement doors and windows
St. Louis Double Hung Windows from Masonry & Glass Systems
1. Stunning new Cove-Mould Face on exterior creates a detailed wood-look.
2. World Class robotic construction adds elegance while eliminating air leaks.
3. The buttery smooth operation of the window due to the balance of Restorations’ Endura-Force™ design.
4. Invisible tilt hardware system enables one-touch operation of the tilt-in feature.
Beauty, elegance, energy efficiency and easy function! Four great reasons to invest in Soft Lite’s Restorations Windows by Masonry and Glass Systems!