New replacement windows in Saint Louis should be designed and installed to manage “COMFORT OFFENDERS”. There are 3 primary areas in a window that are within your control to effectively manage your comfort as well as heating and cooling costs. CONDUCTION The materials that your window is made from such as the spacer system directly […]
Masonry & Glass Systems can offer a lot of different installation options for glass block windows. Sure, we can offer different styles of glass block to suit your privacy or style needs, but, we can also offer different finishes on the exterior. On a brick home we can wrap the exterior bathroom window with aluminum […]
Wedi Corporation has just introduced another curb option for our mold proof shower systems. The new thin curb offers a much reduced profile on the horizontal surface. This enables the tile designer to use different format tile or just have a smaller curb profile. In addition, this new curb profile will dramatically reduce the vertical […]
Sunrise windows has been recognized by the U.S. Envirionmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a winner in the prestigious 2014 Energy Star Partner of the Year for its outstanding contribution to reducing greenhouse emissions by manufacturing energy efficient products and educating consumers about energy efficiency. Masonry & Glass Systems is proud to represent the top of the […]
Considering New Entry Doors in St. Louis? For home owners and sellers alike everyone is interested in getting the most value for your money. The 2015 Remodeling vs. Value Report produced by Remodeling Magazine in cooperation with the National Association of realtors lists some of home improvements that you can consider and their immediate impact […]