There are a lot of things that you find important to you in your lifetime. Of course, your family and friends top the list. You might put an importance on your job, a certain hobby, or a number of other things. If you own a home, that house is important to you as well and […]
If you’ve ever thought about putting replacement windows into your Webster Groves, MO home, you probably know a lot of the benefits already. They’ll be more energy efficient…they’ll make your home more comfortable…they’ll lower your bills…they’ll give you better curb appeal and so on. But there are some additional benefits that aren’t as obvious and […]
It’s exciting when you’ve chosen new vinyl windows for your Kirkwood, MO home. You took your time in choosing the style, color, hardware, glass options, and everything in between. Now you are certain that the vinyl windows will be perfect on your house. The only thing left is to actually get the windows on your […]
If you want to sell your home, either soon or well into the future, you probably want to make sure any home improvement project you take on is one that will add value to the house. That way, you can get more money from your investments whenever you sell to someone else in St. Peters, […]
Are you thinking about how new vinyl windows would improve the look and feel of your St. Louis home? Well spring is the absolute perfect time of year to put your plan into action! Of course you can have vinyl windows installed in any season of the year, but spring is one of the best […]