There are many doorless shower designs. One of the more common is to use a glass block wall or walls to develop a curved entry that offers privacy and a barrier to water leaving the walk in shower area. Masonry & Glass Systems offers design assistance to consumers and contractors.
We can also ship layout cards to the customer to assist in design layout.
After a design is decided upon Masonry & Glass Systems emails a rendering of the door less shower to the customer.
After the customer has reviewed the rendering any further changes are made and the customer receives a quote including delivery or if its local installation as well. If the contractor or consumer wants to install the door less shower we email an instruction book. (modular wall instruction book, maybe use cover only) The walk in door less shower design is then fabricated at our facility and shipped to the customer.
The new doorless shower design is then erected.

With our ability to ship modular glass block walk in showers or other designs we can provide a single source solution for your new bathroom needs. To further make the process simple and yet beautiful we can also provide custom curbs for the glass block walls to sit on manufactured by WEDI and fabricated by Masonry & Glass Systems. These custom built curbs are installed on top of our Wedi shower pans that are easily cut to fit any shower dimension.
Call us Mon-Fri at 314-535-6515
click the link below to receive a free quote for your Doorless Shower
If you or someone you know is looking for glass block shower designs, a doorless shower or any other bathroom project where water and moisture is a risk, please contact Masonry & Glass Systems in St. Louis. For more information, or to see more photos of doorless showers, check out or email them at: [email protected] or call 314-535-6515