There are certain maintenance items in any home that can quickly become emergencies. When your air conditioner stops working in the middle of the hottest month of the year, for example, you need to get it repaired or replaced pronto. You never know when something is going to happen to your windows as well, causing […]
Have you ever had a strange dream where you’ve woken up in the morning and thought, “where did that come from?” Sometimes, dreams make sense. You watched a movie the night before and its theme works its way into your dream. You spoke to a friend right before bed and then they end up in […]
There are certain maintenance items in any Webster Groves, MO home that can quickly become emergencies. When your air conditioner stops working in the middle of the hottest month of the year, for example, you need to get it repaired or replaced pronto. You never know when something is going to happen to your windows […]
If you’ve ever thought about putting replacement windows into your Webster Groves, MO home, you probably know a lot of the benefits already. They’ll be more energy efficient…they’ll make your home more comfortable…they’ll lower your bills…they’ll give you better curb appeal and so on. But there are some additional benefits that aren’t as obvious and […]
It’s obvious enough when your Webster Grove, MO home is getting older. You know when you moved in and you know what year the house was built. You can also often see the wear and tear with your own eyes. When it comes to houses, nothing lasts forever. If you live in the home long […]