Written by Fred Daues on November 21, 2012 in Replacement Windows in St. Louis

Replace Old Windows

These completed pictures of a thermal window replacement project show a professional installation should look on the exterior when it is finished. Notice that the aluminum coil has been carefully bent to conform to the objective of giving a finish to the installation and at the same time covering any paint and or caulk lines that remained on the masonry surface. Another detail to note is that the sealant not only matches the color of the aluminum coil but has been caulked in a manner that shows a high level of competence. Attention to detail is what we seek at Masonry & Glass Systems and as you can see in this installation of Restorations Windows by Sunrise we have succeeded.

remove replace old windows part 3 1

remove replace old windows part 3 2

remove replace old windows part 3 3

If you or someone you know is looking to replace their old windows with a new energy efficient vinyl windows, please contact Masonry & Glass Systems in St. Louis. They specialize in replacement windowssliding windowscasement windowsgarden windowsbay windowsstorm windows and historic windows. For more information, please check out their website at www.masonryglass.com email them at: [email protected] or call 314-535-6515